Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Letter home - May 9, 2011

so ya i loved talking to you guys yesterday, it made me feel a lot better kinda made me feel at home, cause ive just been having a really hard time just trying to adjust. i still am having a hard time, like its really hard to get up every morning and work out and stuff and just study for 3 hours, it almost gets to the point where im like ahhh i don't want to study hahaha and the same with proselyting like we only have one investigator and there are so many baptists around here and everyone we talk to is never really interested so it gets super annoying cause all we do all day is visit maybe 1 or 2 leads and most of are leads are kinda lame cause they say ya i guess you could call me or come by next week so its hard to discern whos really a good person to see and other then that we pretty much knock doors all day and that gets old really fast cause we pretty much know what people are going to say to us even before they open the door and we might even get lucky if someone even say anything to us, a lot of the time they open the door see that we have a book of mormon in our hands and say nooo! and slam the door, so thats really regular for us and so i like dont want to go knock doors cause i know whats going to happen and it just stinks, but at the same time we have to cause we only have one investigator, so i try to be happy and stuff but im just so bummed every day cause nobody ever wants to listen to us, and also we contact a lot of people in so many awkward situations where you dont know what to say or how to say it and that makes it hard too.
but i thought since i started telling you about my daily schedule yesterday and i never got to finish i would out line it for you, 6:15- 7:00 workout, eat breakfast. 7:00-8 shower, dress.8-9 personal study. 9-11 companion study (only for this first 12 weeks then its normal 9-10) 11-8 tracting, visiting appointments, eat lunch at 1 or 2, if we have a dinner appointment its normally at 5 or 6 then we go out contacting till 9 or if we dont have a dinner appointment we come in at 8 and eat and then stay in and plan for tomorrow and get ready for bed, write in journal and stuff, its lights out at 10:30 but we can go to bed as early as we want as long as we are done planning and done with everything. and thats my day usually every day.
jared anderson is the guy in our ward that bishop knows hes super cool, hes only 27 i think so hes young and hes paula's home teacher so hes helping us do the new member discussions on monday nights.
um every morning during comp study our zone leaders send out a popnot or like a motivating  scripture and one of them this week was DC35:13-14 it was pretty cool and helped motivate me a little.
well thats my letter for this week being a missionary is superrr hard i never thought it would be this hard but i know im learning everyday and i work hard and do my best everyday even when i dont want to go to work, cause thats how you get through each day, its hard to remember stuff cause my mind is going a hundred different directions but i try to do my best and thats all i know how to do it. i love the gospel and i know this is what im supposed to be doing and i know the lord will help me do this work 
Elder Harper  

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