2nd Pic: ya I had zone conference, so since it was the McConkies last they cut our ties, and I had them cut my purple one that i wore for my mission papers picture cause that’s the only one that really reminded
me of them.
hey yalllllll!
This week was pretty up and down kinda hahaha, we still have been doing lots of finding. We have a lot of people were teaching but aren’t progressing no matter how hard we try to help them or how much we tell them "you have to read and pray that’s how your doing to find out if this is true or not" they still just put it off. so its been really frustrating, we have met people who expressed interest but when we call them they say no they don’t want us to teach them or we will bike all the way out to someone’s place and they wont be home, that’s happened a lot, so we’ve had to drop lots of people or they have dropped us. I think one thing people out here don’t realize is that when we ask the if we could come back later and teach them that we actually will come back. We have taught a bunch of 20 min lessons to some people but they ended up kind of just listening to learn not to gain more faith in Christ. we have been teaching this one girl, she’s about 20 years old and we’ve taught her about authority and the importance of being baptized by someone with the priesthood, she gets it all and believes the Book of Mormon is true but she doesn’t want to be baptized because she said she doesn’t want to disappoint her dad since she was already baptized into the Catholic church as a baby, so that has been hard.
Also, cool experience yesterday so after church was over we had member come over to us and asked if she could have us over for dinner at 6 so we were surprised and said yes so we decided to change all our plans up and make plans for on the way to her place which is at the bottom of our area about 6 miles away so we stopped by at a members house in our ward and talked to him about having us teach his friend and while we were there it started raining so we had to scratch our tracting plans and just rode down to dinner. On our way down Elder Law had to stop at a gas station to go to the bathroom so we stopped and after decided since we have 10 mins before dinner lets knock these 2 houses next to the gas station, and the second house we knock a 23 year old guy opened and before we said anything he let us in (probably cause it was raining) and so he was like so who are you guys and we told him and we told him about the Book of Mormon and stuff and he was like ya I used to go to church and stuff but then his preacher would tell him different things about the gospel then what he would read about in the bible and he really got confused and didn’t understand so now he’s an atheist and believes in God but hes nondenominational. So we told him about how the Book of Mormon is the pure doctrine of Christ and how the LDS Church is the true church of Jesus Christ because its led by God and Jesus Christ and not by man how its set up with prophets and apostles how Christ set it up and how its the Lords kingdom restored on the earth not reformed like many other church’s, by reading and praying about the Book of Mormon he can come to know the truth by the holy ghost and that we don’t teach things different from what the bible or book of Mormon teach, we don’t change doctrine, because this is Jesus Christ’s church not mans church. so he accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and we told him to read and pray about it and that we would call him to set up an appointment to come back. so what is so cool about this is that if we didn’t have a dinner appointment down there and if Elder Law didn’t have to go to the bathroom we never would have knocked his house cause its such an inconvenient place since we are on bikes so that was definitely inspired by the spirit. so that was the high light of the week by far.
woww that’s crazy that thing happening to Dylan, man what would be cool if he got sent to my mission hahahaha oh man that would be sick, my zone leader elder nelson has his cousin here in the same zone and his sister here in the mission also, so you never know. That’s still crazy that he might change missions half way through, I wonder how they are going to spread out the missionaries throughout the U.S.
The picture attached is of my pin nametag that broke. Since I lost my pocket nametag I had to us my pin one and then it broke so I had to tape it to elder laws magnet nametag so haha it’s kinda funny
DYLAN: DUDEEEEEEEE happy birthday my boy, hope your having fun down in Peru man, heard about your whole thing with maybe being moved to the U.S., who knows maybe you’ll come to my mission, haha that would be sweet. Love you man hope all is well.
Well family im having a great time down here, and no tornados so im all good. Keep praying for me I really need it every day.
Elder Harper
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